Aims and Objectives

The aim of this course is to produce and prepare professionals in disability sector to screen, assess, provide need based education/ intervention to persons with Deafblindness and Multi- Sensory Impairment through various service delivery models like Early Intervention Programs, Special Schools, Inclusive Setups, Home Based Programs, Community Based Programs and Pre Vocational and Vocational Centres. It will also provide the opportunity to develop and increase trained human resources including professionals, caregivers, educators etc. in the field of Deafblindness, who will have the awareness, knowledge and understanding about Deafblindness.
The objective of this course is to prepare the professionals, caregivers, educators etc. to work with persons with Deafblindness in individual and/or group settings. On completion of the course the professional will:
1. Understand the characteristics and aetiology of Deafblindness and associated conditions
2. Be familiar with the process of screening, assessment and diagnosis of persons with Deafblindness
3. Understand the communication modes of persons with Deafblindness
4. Assess the individual needs of persons with deafblindness
5. Plan and implement Individualised Educational Programs
6. Preparation of Indigenous Teaching Learning Materials, keeping in mind the needs of an individuals with Deafblindness
7. Understand Orientation and Mobility from the perceptive of persons with Deafblindness and provide appropriate training
8. Planning and Executing Functional Activities
9. Awareness and Use of Special aids and appliances
10. Knowledge on Curriculum Adaptation for persons with Deafblindness