
It is estimated about five lakhs persons with Deafblindness are living in our country. Trained professionals to help this group are very limited as there are only six approved training centres on Deafblindness in the whole country. Approximately hundred trained professionals come out every year. All these centres have only two years regular course and from the year 2000 till date there are only about 1500 trained professionals who have passed out for the rehabilitation of over 5 lakhs population of persons with Deafblindness.

Sense India is the only NGO which works across the country for the rights of persons with Deafblindness. Keeping the enormous requirement of trained professionals in the field of Deafblindness and as a mark of 20th anniversary, Sense India decided to launch online course on Deafblindness.

Sense India holds the responsibility of promoting, maintaining, monitoring and coordinating the course offered through online. This will definitely meet the increasing demand of trained manpower in the field of Deafblindness in the country.