Training and Capacity Building
The significant work of Sense India is to build the capacity of various stakeholders like persons with deafblindness, their parents and caregivers, special educators, senior professionals, caregivers, teachers from inclusive education system, medical and para medical professionals and government officials on identifying and understanding the needs and issues on deafblindness. Special educators and senior professionals who are working in the field of deafblindness sometimes find it difficult to find appropriate opportunities to update their knowledge & skills and learn about latest interventions, ideas being followed in the field. Caregivers often struggle in identifying an appropriate training and face challenges while addressing the deeds of persons with deafblindness. Sense India provides this opportunity to all the stakeholders through national, regional, state level trainings and ensures quality services being delivered to persons with deafblindness.
Onsite training and mentoring services are the specialised services being carried out to all the partner organizations expert and highly qualified team from Sense India. This training focuses on identifying the needs of persons with deafblindness, their parents, caregivers, special educators and overall staff at various project partner locations in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Experts guide professionals to deliver standard and uniformed services to persons with deafblindness thought. Mentors are the senior professionals who are working in the field with profound knowledge on deafblindness and has the calibre to recognise and bridge the gaps between Sense International and the educators, caregivers, persons with deafblindness and ensures comprehensive services being carried out across India.